SA Swallowing Services:

A Mobile Swallowing Assessment and Clinical Education Company

16 years Specializing in Oropharyngeal Swallowing Assessments using  Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)

We Welcome

Lindsay Dorris

to the SASS TEAM!

Diagnosing and treating oropharyngeal dysphagia without an instrumental swallowing study is like . . .

Thoughts for September:

. . . a surgeon using a table knife instead of a scapel.

The SASS Team

“Every patient you see is a lesson in much more than the malady from which he suffers.”

William Osler, MD, 1899

Professional Education

Training Information

Clinical Services

Clinical Information

Clinical Tools

About SASS

The SASS Clinical and Education Team: (L) Christina Everett, Lindsay Dorris, Kimry Schwarz, Matthew Ward, Travis Camp, Jessica Scott, Sherri Coker, (M) John Ashford and Michelle Skelley

We Don’t Just Teach FEES.  
We Do It Clinically — Every Day!

Clinical Services

Michelle Skelley

(615) 306-3693

Education Services

John Ashford

(615) 426-5505